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Jennifer Martel, Copley Wolff

Jennifer Martel, Copley Wolff

Name: Jennifer Martel, ASLA, PLA

Title/Firm: Principal, Copley Wolff

Education: BA from George Washington University/ MLA from Rhode Island School of Design

Years in the industry: 21

Why are you a member of PWC? Networking and idea-sharing with women who like to build things.

Favorite thing about working in the AEC industry: The before & after photos. Even if I've worked on a project for years, and drawn it 1000 times, it's always astounding to see the transformation.

Most memorable professional experience: In 2008, I toured Philadelphia in a police helicopter to help the visualize the City's ambitious plans for city-wide implementation of green infrastructure projects.

Recent project you're proud of: The Court Square Public Realm Improvement Project in Springfield, MA because downtown Springfield has so much to offer. The public realm improvements will bring the vibrancy and excitement of the City's arts & culture scene into its streets and parks.

Special skill we may not know about: I am an avid gardener and have a knack for memorizing plant names and spellings.

Favorite place you’ve ever been: Kyoto, Japan

The one thing in the world that you cannot live without: Hot coffee, black

What you’re likely to be doing on a Saturday: When I'm not shuttling my kids to activities or catching up on house chores, I'm probably in the garden.

What inspires you most? I find my greatest inspiration in Mother Nature, whose designs can't be beat and whose creations constantly awe and amaze me.

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